Mars means:
In astronomy mythology, Mars was the Roman god of war and agriculture. It may not seem like these two things go together, but they do. Mars protected those who fought for their communities, and stayed home to raise crops for food (KidsAstronomy.com).
Mars has two Moons Deimos and Phobos, the moons are thought to have been asteroids that were pulled into orbit by Mar's gravitational pull.


Mars has a very thin atmosphere which is composed mostly of carbon dioxide, but dust storms can cover the planet for months at a time. It has a third of the Earth's force of gravity and about a tenth of the Earth's mass.
There has been talk of possible life on existing life on Mars as well as the possibility of humans being able to travel and live there in the future. While this sounds like an incredible, conditions on Mars are harsh. Temperatures vary greatly from summer to winter due to the Mars oval orbit. There is a lot of research to be done but there is a possibility of scientists vising Mars in our lifetime.
Fun facts about Mars:
Mars has higher mountains, and deeper canyons than any other planet. The largest canyon on Mars would stretch from New York City to Los Angeles on the Earth. That makes the Grand Canyon look tiny. It Also has the Solar Systems biggest volcano, Olympus Mons (KidsAstronomy.com).
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