For Instance the Comet:

Comets are made of dust and ice, and are beautiful as they travel across the sky. They travel in from the outer realms of the Solar System and are among the most rare and brilliant objects in the night sky.
Comets originate in two places, the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. Comets Spend billions of years in the Oort Cloud or the Kuiper Belt before crashing into one another, sending at least one of them shooting off towards the Inner Solar System. It is at this point that the comet begins to shine. This is due to the change in temperature as it enters the Inner Solar System, it is at this point that the comet begins to melt leaving behind beautiful tails.

Another aspect of our Solar System is the Asteroid:

An asteroid is a large rock in outer space. They come in all shapes and sizes. Asteroids are the left over materials from the formation of the Solar System. Due to this they formed what is known as an asteroid belt. The Belt is divided into two parts the inner belt and the outer belt. The inner belt has the asteroids that are within 250 million miles of the Sun and are usually made of metal. The outer belt contains the asteroids that are located 250 miles beyond the Sun. These asteroids are usually rich in carbon and appear darker than those of the inner belt.

While is there is more to explain in our Solar System we are quickly approaching Jupiter.