Venus means:
In astronomy mythology, Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. In Greek her name was Aphrodite (KidsAstronomy.com).

Venus has the hottest average temperature of any of the planets, this is due to its thick cloud cover that traps in a lot of the Suns heat. This in turn makes Venus to hot for life, but other than that Venus and Earth are very similar. Venus is ofter n referred to as Earths twin planet, because of its similarities in size, shape, and mass.
Venus' surface is rocky and consists of many craters, mountains, channels, and volcanoes.
Fun facts about Venus
Because Venus and the Earth are the same size, scientists call Venus Earth's sister planet. For a long time most scientists thought that Venus probably had plants, animals, and possibly even people. However because Venus is so hot we now know that it is impossible for anything to live there (KidsAstronomy.com).
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